Komentáře: STAP. Objev, který otevře Nový věk, je tady. https://blog.respekt.cz/jirkova/stap-objev-ktery-otevre-novy-vek-je-tady/ Otevřený blogovací systém týdeníku Respekt Wed, 23 Aug 2023 07:17:26 +0000 hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.4 Od: Anonym https://blog.respekt.cz/jirkova/stap-objev-ktery-otevre-novy-vek-je-tady/#comment-180017664 Wed, 23 Aug 2023 07:17:03 +0000 http://blog.respekt.cz/?p=61640760#comment-180017664 Od: anonym https://blog.respekt.cz/jirkova/stap-objev-ktery-otevre-novy-vek-je-tady/#comment-168729150 Fri, 25 Jul 2014 19:00:54 +0000 http://blog.respekt.cz/?p=61640760#comment-168729150 http://technet.idnes.cz/stap-bunky-cwf-/veda.aspx?c=A140623_135356_veda_mla#utm_source=sph.idnes&utm_medium=richtext&utm_content=top6

Od: A.S. Pergill https://blog.respekt.cz/jirkova/stap-objev-ktery-otevre-novy-vek-je-tady/#comment-162258700 Mon, 03 Feb 2014 12:27:32 +0000 http://blog.respekt.cz/?p=61640760#comment-162258700 Podrobnější informace
i s dalšími odkazy najdete zde:

Od: v k https://blog.respekt.cz/jirkova/stap-objev-ktery-otevre-novy-vek-je-tady/#comment-162208260 Sat, 01 Feb 2014 15:36:19 +0000 http://blog.respekt.cz/?p=61640760#comment-162208260 Bravo
díky! přidávám odkazy… http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/30/business/study-says-new-method-could-be-a-quicker-source-of-stem-cells.html?_r=0

Od: anonym https://blog.respekt.cz/jirkova/stap-objev-ktery-otevre-novy-vek-je-tady/#comment-162193450 Fri, 31 Jan 2014 23:23:06 +0000 http://blog.respekt.cz/?p=61640760#comment-162193450 Vypadá to pěkně pro všechny nás staříky, kteří se chceme udržet v kondici naživu co nejdéle… jen… v podstatě to znamená zakonzervování druhu, což je poněkud nepřírodní……………………a tož já myslím, že to výhledově nedopadne.

Od: anonym https://blog.respekt.cz/jirkova/stap-objev-ktery-otevre-novy-vek-je-tady/#comment-162191930 Fri, 31 Jan 2014 21:56:43 +0000 http://blog.respekt.cz/?p=61640760#comment-162191930 Slova_2
Sergeant Baker started talkin‘
With a bullhorn in his hand
He was cool, he was clear
He was always in command
He said „Blood will flow;
Here Padre
Padre you talk to your boys…“
„Trust in me –
God will come to set you free“

Well we don’t understand
Why you called in the National Guard
When Uncle Sam is the one
Who belongs in the exercise yard
We all got balls and brains
But some’s got balls and chains
At the local dance at the local county jail

Load up, load up, load up with rubber bullets
Load up, load up, load up with rubber bullets

Is it really such a crime
For a guy to spend his time
At the local dance at the local county jail
At the local dance at the local county jail

Whatcha gonna do about it, whatcha gonna do
Whatcha gonna do about it, whatcha gonna do


Od: Jan Orna https://blog.respekt.cz/jirkova/stap-objev-ktery-otevre-novy-vek-je-tady/#comment-162191750 Fri, 31 Jan 2014 21:54:41 +0000 http://blog.respekt.cz/?p=61640760#comment-162191750 Slova_1
„Rubber Bullets“
I went to a party at the local county jail
All the cons were dancing and the band began to wail
But the guys were indiscreet
They were brawling in the street
At the local dance at the local county jail

Well the band were playing
And the booze began to flow
But the sound came over on the police car radio
Down at Precinct 49
Having a tear-gas of a time
Sergeant Baker got a call from the governor of the county jail

Load up, load up, load up with rubber bullets
Load up, load up, load up with rubber bullets

I love to hear those convicts squeal
It’s a shame these slugs ain’t real
But we can’t have dancin‘ at the local county jail

Sergeant Baker and his men made a bee-line for the jail
And for miles around
You could hear the sirens wail
There’s a rumor goin‘ round death row
That a fuse is gonna blow
At the local hop at the local county jail

Whatcha gonna do about it, whatcha gonna do
Whatcha gonna do about it, whatcha gonna do

Od: Jan Orna https://blog.respekt.cz/jirkova/stap-objev-ktery-otevre-novy-vek-je-tady/#comment-162191230 Fri, 31 Jan 2014 21:26:13 +0000 http://blog.respekt.cz/?p=61640760#comment-162191230 ad_“Magická slova „kmenové buňky“
přidávám taky jedno Magické slovo:


Rubber Bullets 1974
